13 Best Business Activities To Grow As An Entrepreneur: Spring & Summer

Co-authored by: Mike Khorev Managing Director at Nine Peaks Media

There is always a task; most of the time, it must be done immediately. That's what an entrepreneur has to do all the time: move pieces, organize activities, lead projects, put out fires, and make things happen. The famous book The Seven Habits of Extremely Effective People by Stephen Covey is right about this. 

We should devote more effort to the tasks that are Not Urgent but important. Every item on this list is firmly in the 2nd & 3rd business quarters, where things are not urgent but are still very important.

Finding time for these things is hard, and you must change how you think about them. But if we want to create, dream, and do well as entrepreneurs, we have to push aside things that are urgent but not important.

5 Activities for Entrepreneurs to Build Business:

1. Make Time for Yourself & Your Team

  • Make time for yourself; take regular breaks away from work so you can stay fresh mentally and physically during busy times. Consider setting aside time like this also for your team.

2. Analyze

  • Analyze customer data from last year to gain insights into how people responded during those times and use that data to inform decisions this year. Make sure all systems are updated so they’re ready for peak usage periods.

  • Review budgeting plans for upcoming projects and promotions taking place over these seasons in order to ensure you have adequate resources allocated for them but also stay within budget limits set forth by your company/team/department managers or executives at large.

  • Utilize digital marketing techniques such as SEO, PPC advertising, etc., to maximize visibility online and drive more website traffic during this favorable season.

  • Increase staff where necessary, such as call center or customer service departments if there is an increase in demand expected for support services/inquiries due to any campaigns launched or deals offered during this period.

3. Seasonal Trends

  • Take advantage of seasonal trends. Identify products or services that are in high demand during this time and create marketing campaigns around them.

  • Promote events and activities related to the season. Utilize social media platforms to spread awareness about any upcoming events, special offers, discounts, or activities related to the time of year.

  • Create new product launches. Take advantage of the warmer temperatures and longer days by having product launch events outdoors and connecting with customers in unique ways.

4. Get & Stay Ahead

  • Stay ahead of the competition by staying up-to-date with market trends and consumer preferences. Monitor competitor activity so you can adjust your marketing strategy when necessary.

  • Plan out a content calendar for blog posts, newsletters, emails, etc., that give customers an inside look into what’s going on within your business as well as share helpful resources and advice related to the season.

5. Collaborate

  • Look into sponsoring local community events or supporting charities while doing good for others in need and seeing tangible ways your organization can serve; this could include hosting donation drives or charity runs as well as providing discounts on goods/services for those involved with certain causes.

  • Reach out to influencers who have a following in your industry and collaborate on content that promotes both your business as well as theirs.

  • Find ways to incorporate fun activities into workdays (outdoor lunch breaks, team building outings).

8 Activities to build the Business Owner

1. Preparing the Next Product

The money is in making new things. More and better sales will come if you can make more and better products. Let's say your business is open and doing well. You have customers already. Make another product to better serve these customers and grow your business. They'll purchase it. Your company will do well. You have to plan for the next product before you can make it.

2. Mentoring

If you've ever had someone help you with your business, you know how powerful mentorship can be. There are a lot of people who admire your skills and want to learn from you. The person you mentor could be a friend, an employee, or a co-founder.

Spend time with these people anywhere you find them. There are always two sides to mentoring. You also have things to learn, and it's always good to have someone to discuss your ideas with.

3. Examine your competitors

The best results come from a lot of competition. To be successful, you can't be afraid to look at what your competitors are doing and learn from them. Still, they could be doing something correctly that you can use to make more money in your own business. If you own a restaurant, you might be able to get information by eating at your competitors' places and asking other customers what they think. 

But you could be a company like a chemical company that has much less access to its competitors. In that case, you would collaborate with a business expert and an accountant to look at not only what the business shows the world but also any financial data you can find about the company.

4. Planning the Next Marketing Step

Not every business owner is naturally good at marketing, but every business owner has ideas for marketing. Some of the best business people in the world are not good at business, technology, or making products. They are skilled at marketing.

For example, Steve Jobs was a genius in almost every part of the business.

Looking at his life and work, you can see that he was a great marketer. He started the age of the hyped-up keynote, the suspense of waiting for the next big thing, and TV ads that changed the world. If you spend time dreaming and coming up with new ideas for your marketing, you can have the same degree of success.

5. Human Behavior Research

I'm sure that every business owner should learn about how people act. Studying psychology, motivation, actions, development, or how people think is never a waste of time. You'll know yourself better, for one thing. Also, you'll be able to understand people better. When you know how people think, you can start figuring out what they desire and how to get it.

You know how they make decisions and how to assist them in making good ones. You know how they get into fights and how to keep them from getting worse. You know what makes them confused and how to clear that up. The more you know about people, the better an entrepreneur you will be.

6. Networking

I have something to say. I don't like the word "networking" very much. The way most people think about networking, it seems fake and slick. But we have to use the word. We still need to meet people. To use John Donne's words, no business owner is an island.

Looking at every business you've started, you can probably find someone with a key connection who helped it succeed. You can meet people like this in the strangest places, so it pays to be friendly. You should network all the time, not just at events.

7. Reading

There are some good things about reading books and some bad things. The good news is that some very smart and talented people write powerful and exciting books. The sad fact is that we don't have enough time to read them all because we're too busy.

We can read some of them, thank goodness. It's better to read one book a year than none. A book can change the way you think and your business and give you an idea for your next business. If you don't have time to read, try listening to books. You can likely find a few minutes to listen to just a few minutes of audiobooks on the way to work or during other daily tasks.

8. The Hard Part: Taking Time Off - Ding Ding Ding

The last "activity" isn't significant or much of a business activity. Ah, but it's no less essential. Take a break. Just stop working. Turn off one's phone, leave the house, and don't come back for one day, a week, or even a month. Do it, please. Entrepreneurs must turn off their devices, relax, and do something new. You can complete additional things on this list when you have time off. One unexpected benefit of taking a break is that we sometimes have our most insightful and creative moments during those times.


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