Technology, Fall 2017 Urban Freedom Technology, Fall 2017 Urban Freedom

Daafram Campbell, Disrupting the way we use Business Cards and Network: Switchit App!

By Mercedez McIntyre

How many times have you gone to an event to network, had a great experience and then found yourself trying your hardest to remember the names or contact information of everyone! At Urban Freedom Magazine we have come up with dozens of ways to retain business cards or requesting emails be sent just to organize it all. Then we came across Switchit! After downloading the app I looked through the website to make sure this was what I needed and worth using phone memory.


“ A business card is the first impression a person has of your brand and is key to establishing a strong and lasting relationship with potential customers. At Switchit, is to make one-on-one connections memorable. Today Switchit provides the most sophisticated multimedia digital business card in the industry. Make great first impressions, share content, and be remembered.

How They are Different?

Switchit® flexes with your core message and networking objectives through integrated multimedia features paired with dedicated networking tools. We provide an intuitive way to share great content and nurture leads.”


As founder and editor, personally, I must keep contacts in 2 completely different forms of contacts for two different job roles. Switchit helped immensely! In further research, I wanted to know who is the person to create such a great yet simple form of new technology. Furthermore who decided to finally help with our issue of building connections in person and not just social media.

To my excitement, it was Daafram Campbell an African-American pro-level graphics designer. Working alongside Tammy Robinson. Breaking into the world of technology and disrupting networking communication as we know it. During our phone interview that lasted well over our scheduled time due to such great rapport of similar missions. He explained the exact problem I had and made me a believer of how Switchit is the problem solver. I have been using the app ever since.

Download Switchit Today and get your networking style organized! Stay tuned for collaborations with Urban Freedom and Swtichit.

Instagram: @switchitapp


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