New Generation + Big Pharmaceutical Drugs Infiltrating Young Homes
By: Ebony Satterfield
Credit- Visual Hunt
A drug is any substance (other than food) that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed, or dissolved into the body that causes a physiological change.
An addict is someone who devotes or surrenders themselves to something habitually or obsessively.
Addiction is the compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance.
Let's look at these words. Now break them down, digest them, and now apply them. Is this you or someone you know?? We often get confused with what our perception tells us to be true and what reality actually is. That is what we like to call a gray area. In our community, we have too many "grey" areas, and drug addiction is the largest one.
Today's youth has to be the biggest growing drug ridden group since the 80's and it truly saddening how lost our future is. Given the circumstances of what we have evolved from, this seems to be one Pandora that will not escape our people. From Percocet to Xanax, to molly and ecstasy pills, just to name a few of today's favorites, is nothing short of being the modern-day heroine. To walk through the streets to see an addicted child calling and addicted adult an addict and be baffled how they do not see the similarities in their choices is a bothersome but dreadfully true reality. The rate of drug abuse in our community for youth and young adults is off the charts with the age range between 15-30 being the highest age group for overdosing, and the highest age group that are currently addicts. Believing that this is something we can change, I can see why the habit is starting at a younger age. What society promotes to our children, is eventually what OUR world becomes. With drug acceptance being so heavily populated by music artists. Our children and youth idolize this new fad. Which makes the war on revamping us as a people hard to do.
Credit- DailyMail.Uk
Every day, you walk the street or turn on the radio, or any streaming service for that matter, every popular rap artist song today exudes one of the following, sex, money, but most of all prescription drugs. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, African American teens represent 14.2% of the population that's currently abusing, or addicted to drugs. We have the most broken homes, and in the last 5-10 years, the birth rate of infants addicted to drugs has tripled. For every 1,000 babies born, 5.6 of them are born in withdrawal and addiction.
Personally, as a direct connection with this epidemic, I truly cannot offer answers to combat the current crisis with our people. We must find a way to be greater than shallow influences, and the knowledge of what is popular for our community is not what is always best for our community. Science says people are born with addictive tendencies and behavioral traits. With what's happening not only in the world but most importantly our world, we have to be the deciding factors of change. We as a people must advocate change for our people. Between losing our sons and daughters to this disease called addiction, at some point we must reclaim, regroup and rebuild our brokenness. We are responsible for each other. Black Lives must matter at all times even when it's self-destructive. Enough is enough!! Extend your hand to help, to love, to be accountable for what our community's future becomes.
Melanin Season Mind, Body, & Soul Preparation
By: Melanin Reigns
What are you going to do when everything changes and nothing is what you thought it was?
Are you going to answer the call to embrace your authentic spirit or are you going to refuse your God self?
Either way, the choice is yours.
We must shift our minds from placing blame on others for the problems we face, to seeing every situation as a positive addition to our journey.
Everyone you meet is a checkpoint for your personal evolution and the expansion of collective consciousness.
When your mind is conflicted it influences an illusionary detachment from the spiritual body because you are sending signals that you do not trust yourself.
Everything is a programming.
From the food you eat, to the things you hear, see, smell etc.
How you nourish your body reflects a level of self respect and value.
Eating foods that assist your enzymes in efficiency is vital to a healthy lifestyle and longevity.
You can be versatile in your diet by remembering to balance your wants with your needs.
Credit- Distinct Eye Photography
What nutrients are you lacking, how can you supply them before they become a physical issue?
We must be mindful that we are to eat to live, not live to eat in order to keep our physical being in optimum shape to thrive.
"Pack light"
What drives you?
The evolution of spirit requires us to do more than just survive. We've embarked upon an innovative phase of the human experience that allows us to transform and thrive at a rapid rate. The fuel behind your spirits evolution is your passion. Whatever gift you hold is imperative to inner achievement of your light also known as "Christ consciousness". It is time you shed the skin of what society told you, you should be in order to fully embrace who you are. Do not be afraid of failure, all negative energies (ego, doubt, insecurities, fear etc.) are designed to keep you boxed in. Realize your full potential and honor your soul's calling. Refrain from denying yourself the true freedom you deserve.
Let your mind protect your heart on the journey, but do not let mental afflictions stand in your way.
Dig deep to find those childhood scars that plague you, find them and release them from healing. Analyze where you draw your strength from and amplify your connection to source.
Stand in your power in order to receive abundance. Allow your holy trinity (mind, body and soul) to align divinely so the ascension process is effortless.
It is time to do away with animalistic and impulsive behaviors. Discipline yourself to always do what adheres to your highest good. Trust your intuition and be mindful that you have the power to access 100,000 plus years of collective consciousness in order to transmute it into current elevation. Anything passed down through our DNA must be activated.
Ask yourself "what is my purpose in life and am I ready to evolve in it?"
We are always responding to vibrations, utilizing the positive vibes are easy but do you know how to transmute the negative ones?