Mexico allowing artists to sell their paintings to pay taxes: Resurrection of Art in Business
Mexico allowing artists to sell their paintings to pay taxes: Resurrection of Art in Business
By Tahirah Wiley
“Pago en Especie” which translates to “Payment in Kind”. The Payment in Kind program all started in 1957 by David Alfaro Siqueiros. Siqueiros made a proposal to keep a fellow artist out of jail for tax evasion by suggesting to “Let him pay his debt in art.”.
The number of pieces in its possession is the only statistic that the SAT records. In recent years, the government agency has been forced to purchase additional warehouses in Mexico City to store an ever-growing collection of paintings, graphics, and sculptures according to Atlantic. In an article from 4/11/14 "Murals were how Mexican history was first portrayed to the public. A country's culture and its understanding of itself evolve through its art. That is something we are in need of, especially now." José Ramón San Cristóbal Larrea, director of the government's Cultural Promotion and National Heritage Office told The Atlantic.
"Bus Stop" by Ekua Holmes
Mexico has lost billions to tax evasion. Yet, have gained countless pieces of artwork from sculptures to paintings. The proposal from Siqueiros soon led to lawfully allowing the artist to pay federal income taxes with their own artwork.
Mexican mural protesting gentrification in the center of Pilsen.
This brings on the question if Art is commonly ignored as beautiful possessions to invest in? Especially, in our urban communities here in the U.S.? There is a high percentage of artists in many of our communities. Many of which go unnoticed or end up unable to use their art as income. You will find many artists, however, who struggle with local customers to willingly pay the minimum worth for their artwork.
What are some ways to support our Artists better you may ask? After listening, watching, studying, and becoming an artist I found 5 major ways we can assist with supporting.
Participate. One thing about an artist is that we love to share our gifts with others. See if there are any events in your area to incorporate into family or date night.
Invest. Look at the art as an investment. Like any rare artifact, it comes with a price and possession brings about heirlooms.
Local. Start buying the art from local artists as gifts to loved ones for the holidays. It’s a great way to build-up the creativity amongst your family and community.
Attend. or create art exhibits/shows in your Community. Sidewalk art nights are popular in many areas.
Promote. The best promotion is by word of mouth. If you know a local artist you love, share their work or tell someone about them when possible.
There’s always somebody that will appreciate it. Don't forget you can also use websites like & keep an eye on @urbanfreedommagazine on Instagram for current art and designers as well.
BONUS*: In the UK, you can pay your taxes with art. You even get full fair market value credit without selling it or paying tax on your gain.
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Is leadership created or instinctive?
Is leadership created or instinctive?
By: Melanin Reigns
Let's find out . . .
Leadership takes initiative. A mixture of being fearless, self-assured and unorthodox.
We all specialize in areas, in which it is our birthright to reap the abundance in that field. Our prosperity is not limited to any particular stream. However, it is guaranteed to flow wherever we set focus.
What separates a leader from a follower, is their response to outside opinions of themselves. These opinions can be as simple as a friend speaking negatively about you, or as general as a commercial telling you, you need to buy something to be someone. How you see and affirm yourself determines how prosperous you'll be.
Divine leadership is instinctive. However, political and other forms of leadership are created. All forms of leadership require high levels of authenticity. Regardless of how a leader is viewed, their confidence and ability to persevere is the reason for the position they hold.
Trials throughout life have the ability to weigh on self-esteem, if not rectified. Prior to the universal shift to a higher state of awareness, conformity was a hiding place for the majority of us.
Now, as we ascend, we are learning that we all possess the abilities to lead.
This does not always mean leading a large group of people, but we absolutely should lead our own lives.
Here are some tips to evolve in the vibration of leadership:
Be confident
Abundance & mastery is your birthright. Do not be afraid of what you can achieve. Stop worrying about who will and will not be made uncomfortable by your success.
Commit to your craft
As a leader, you should be constantly creating, in order to become a better version of yourself!
Communicate clearly
Speak up! Why?
To acquire what you need, and get things done.
When you take out time to communicate effectively, you inspire others to feel just as free to manifest their vision through networking & proper delegation.
Great speakers are superb listeners.
A critical part of communication is listening (with discernment).
Everyone should be considered when carrying out the vision.
This is where self-assurance steps in to guide you.
All advice isn't “good” advice but something positive can be drawn from everything.
Find your formula and expand upon it consistently
If it works “don't change it, expand it”. Recreate the elements that have proven to be successful. This may mean acquiring updated resources, investing more money, time, focus etc.
Trust your inner voice, what works for others may not work for you.
Trust your spirit, and your ego will not feel threatened.
It is the temporary panic of the body detaching from the spirit that can conjure destructive leadership skills. Ex: Dictatorship
Take care of yourself
In order to reach out to others as your best self, you must begin within. Studying yourself keenly will provide vital pivoting points that can assist you in relation to others.
Leadership Created or Instinctive? Urban Freedom Magazine “Freedom 100 List 2018”